Wednesday, November 19, 2008


eeek! aira was behaving like an adult, refusing to sleep! she tidur-tidur ayam only today.

still no progress on her letting others carry her, maid managed to carry and sing to her for a good 15 minutes and then it was all shot down! then she made her own music, cried and cried and cried. boo.

not feeling flattered though, i wish she would be an easy one to get along with everyone and be the sweet baby that she is!

*hoping that it's just a phase* crossing my fingers!


Elmira said...

love your new layout babes!

and again, good luck! *keeps fingers crossed for shereen and hubs*

e.e.s.h.i.e said...

thanks mira for your enthusiasm :) ehehe... and yes, it is fun trying out for babies! ahaks!