Sunday, August 9, 2009


yesterday my sister got admitted to the hospital. she was complaining of headaches and fever. later at night it was difficulty in breathing... we were worried.

but i was put in a worse position when i was about to send my bub for her class, mom called to say that she was going to be admitted to ICU! i think they're taking all measures to make sure its not h1n1. i hate to think of the worse, but i sure hope The Almighty has heard our prayers and grants our doa that we have for her to just get well... *amin*

i really hope so...

i know we have our differences, but we're siblings that's pretty normal... doesn't mean we don't love each other.

she is my dear sister... and i do love her dearly...

anxiously waiting for the results, please recite and pray with us.

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