Sunday, October 7, 2007


hunting for the designer for your wedding dress/gown/kebaya/kurung would be extremely challenging. thank god, i've gone passed all that. am just helping a dear friend out. set an appoinment with radzuan radziwill, a young known designer, you'd expect them to have "air", but there was none. we got acquinted quickly, he was witty, direct, honest, and sweet at the same time! so the meeting was a breeze, and organized. materials, ideas was thrown in and elaborated, next meeting was already set... that eases the whole process for her. happy she was, which brought a smile to my face.

seeking for a good friends birthday present is also difficult, you'd have too many questions unanswered. too many doubts. the what if's...
-its ugly, and not her taste
-she already has it
-something she doesn't need
-doesn't like it
just go back to basics and recall, the most recent thing she's been talking about, yes work backwards, and you might just find the answer to it. as i did. never in a million years would i have picked out a ferrari "anything" but since she loves it, and it was a tasteful looking sports bag, which she needed we got it without any doubt! thank god, she needed and liked it :)
"the art of listening", works wonders!

dins at delicious was fun, and sweet. hearts were racing to speak, future plans has been laid on the table, its just a matter of time... insyallah.
food were not wasted, drinks were all tasted. at the end of the night, our stomach was fully settled. it makes a whole lot of difference when you're accompanied by those you love and those who loves you... the appreciation of each other, is sweeter than anything else you could ask for.

2 months has passed, and we made it a point to visit, amir & aliza, and their new bundle of joy! the princess in the family, hopefully you caught the hint that it was a girl, based on the 'italic and pink font!' or else please get your eyes checked!
"congratulations mom & dad on your beautiful little princess, Rania".
she'd be loved and cherished by her crazy aunties and uncles, that's a promise...


"The main things which seem to me important on their own account, and not merely as means to other things, are knowledge, art, instinctive happiness, and relations of friendship or affection". Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)

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