Wednesday, August 22, 2007

the garrulous!

we have made a point, that we would like to have a nice outing at least once a month. yes, we here i'm referring to hubs and myself. if you're wondering why it's once a month, well... i guess that fulfills the quota of the month all together! we hardly enjoy long outings, plus i think you're spending a lot of money and there's just too many plastics around... [present company excluded]. just those that you'll meet when you're at "these" places, be it in a disco, bistro, pubs, and many many more, you can hardly call them friends more like acquaintances. i just don't see the point in putting a 100% effort to please them... [yes, currently on bitch mode!]

anyway, when we usually have our outings, be it in a big or small group we're rather uhmm "group yang tak boleh dibawa majlis". yes hence, the garrulous! or garrulousness. it's crazy, i'm always overwhelmed with how loud we could talk, and laugh at the same time... and the fact that we race with each other to speak [pretty common right?]

on friday, collaboratively it was planned that we make an outing to heritage row, since it was hani's birthday, dahl was having her toefl at sheraton and cikz was leaving kl [again... just stay la! you know you want to, right? hahah], we decided it was good if we meet up at blonde, since its usually not as crowded.

hehe, us yang tidak boleh dibawa ke majlis. L-R top: shereen & dahl, bottom: wo, cikz and hani

however, the plans changed with a blink of an eye... hehe yes, the whole group decided to chill at ivy instead, maybe just for a drink... but from a drink we ended up there the whole night. so yeah, we sat outside where we could see the crowd. i find it quite amusing how well these clubbers dressed! "some of them gila hawttt!!" no wonder to a certain extend some of the girls in kl decides to join the aneroxic/bulimic group. the pressure. WOW!

anyway, the evening was rather pleasant, we went to bisou it's next to uhmm... okay i have no idea where exactly it is, but its there. yes they've got brilliant cupcakes! so we went all "Nutty" in the shop, bought the cupcakes took a couple of candles and sang for hani at ivy. hihi... sorry babes. it was pretty pleasant, right? we weren't out of tune or anything. wo and piej was able to join us too! after a couple of hours the tired old couple decided to go home... as usual ;)

hani and her nuttella cupcake! 'hespy besday to you'

miss dalh, enjoying her unidentified flavor cupcake, and piej looking all innocent knowing i was going to snap her picture

i just had to snap his photo, and if you had a close up you could see the icing from the cupcakes!

shereen 'her cheeks' and miss dahl

L-R: hadi, byron-ness, and hubs

hadi, byron-ness and his colorful drink which he had to chase with the beer right after

okay people, just in case you want these photos please click and save it yeah? hehe, sorry i'm just rather lazy to email and wait for the attachments and all :)

p/s: i'm just kidding yeah peeps, maybe i'm the only one yang tak boleh dibawa ke majlis. :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!